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Gripen C

Gripen C-series

鹰狮c系列是一款真正的多功能战斗机,采用了智能的技术解决方案. 它的建立是为了适应新技术的出现,并在新技术出现时应对不断变化的威胁. Gripen is ready to dominate the battlespace for decades to come.
Gripen on roadbase Vidsel

Key features

Superior situational awareness and decision support.
Designed to host a wide range of weapons from different suppliers.
Low flight hour costs.

Gripen C Gripen DGripen Aggressor
Number of seats121
Length over all14,9 meters15,6 meters14,9 meters
Width over all8,4 meters8,4 meters8,4 meters
Maximum take-off weight14000 kg14000 kg14000 kg
Max thrust80,5 kN80,5 kN80,5 kN
Combat turnaround10 minutes10 minutes10 minutes
Air-to-air refuelingYesYesYes
Mauser BK 27 mm gunYes--

Any mission. Anywhere.

鹰狮c系列是当今世界上最可靠的摇摆角色作战飞机. 在三大洲的五个国家中,有超过1.5亿人依靠鹰狮c系列来保护他们的主权领空并确保他们的独立性. 成功地参与了北约领导的以及世界各地的许多演习和空中警务任务, Gripen C-series is ready for any mission. Anywhere.

Gripen on roadbase Vidsel
Gripen C
Gripen C
39D Cockpit Frontseat
Gripen C
Gripen C by Topidoc
Always combat ready

在空对空任务中,加油和重新武装需要不到10分钟,在空对地任务中需要不到20分钟. 鹰狮需要最少的人员和地面支援设备进行分散操作,并且可以在不宽于小型跑道的跑道上操作, unprepared road, making it more combat ready than any other fighter on the market.

Protecting sovereign skies

Nations across four continents rely on Gripen to protect their sovereign airspace. After decades of service and numerous NATO-led assignments, Gripen is ready to participate in any joint mission anywhere in the world.

The power of availability

“鹰狮”是为空降而设计的:由于始终保持低故障率,它具有高水平的可用性, ease of operation, maintenance and repair. Gripen is by design the most available fighter aircraft in the world.

Information superiority

Gripen C-series is a master of situational awareness. Link16 / tactical datalink, shared sensor-fused data, 嵌入式决策支持和优化的驾驶舱人机界面(HMI)保证了信息优势, putting the pilot one step ahead of the enemy and in control of the battlespace.

Multi-role fighter

鹰狮战斗机执行所有三种作战任务:空对空、空对地和侦察. The pilot can change role while airborne, or operate in multiple roles simultaneously. As sensor systems and weapons evolve, Gripen’s multirole capabilities grow.


在与客户的密切合作中不断发展和增强,并拥有所有战斗机中最灵活的武器系统, results in maximum operational effectiveness and predictable.

Gripen operators

瑞典自90年代末以来一直是鹰狮C/D的运营商,并且拥有最大的鹰狮C/D机队. 鹰狮C/D战斗机目前在两个北约成员国——捷克共和国和匈牙利服役, as well as South Africa and Thailand. 此外,ETPS(帝国试飞员学校)为他们的学生提供“鹰狮”,用于测试先进的飞行控制系统, handling qualities and performance.

Weapon superiority

鹰狮c系列集成了来自美国和欧洲的大量武器和吊舱,用于许多类型的任务, 从远程和短程灵活的空对空导弹到重型空对地导弹和制导炸弹,以最小的附带损害进行精确交战. 飞机具有固有的精确打击和防区外能力,而且新武器很容易和廉价地集成在一起, making sure Gripen C-series always has a powerful weapon flexibility.

Gripen C
Swedish Air Force Gripens from Skaraborg wing F 7, south west Sweden.
Gripen C
Armed to the teeth. Swedish Air Force Gripen fighters, somewhere over Sweden.

Gripen Aggressor: Tailor-made for the adversary combat training market

Gripen Aggressor

“鹰狮侵略者”是在经过验证的“鹰狮”c系列的基础上发展而来的,具有独特的高性能组合, mission flexibility and availability combined with a low life cycle cost.

Train like you fight

In order to train like you fight, 你需要使用先进的战斗战术来对付像“鹰狮侵略者”这样的对手. 本质上,世界级的飞行员需要训练对抗世界级的对手,那就是“鹰狮侵略者”.

Realistic combat training

Gripen Aggressor provides an exceptional, 不同的对手飞机系统,飞行员将提高和完善他们的战斗技能,以对抗和战胜先进的敌人威胁.

Czech Gripen_100years_Evert_Keijzer_Ironbird_Photography_4.jpg

Did you know?

The engine can be replaced in the field in less than one hour, including testing, using only one technician and five conscript mechanics.

  • Gripen C-series can operate from runways measuring just 800 x 16 meters, built as part of ordinary highways.
  • Together with a low demand for maintenance per flight hour, Gripen C-series has a significantly higher availability compared with its competitors
  • 几乎任何武器都可以集成,给鹰狮c系列非常高的武器灵活性.

Testimonial from a Gripen operator

What does a Gripen operator say about the world's most advanced fighter?
Czech Gripen_100years_Evert_Keijzer_Ironbird_Photography_4.jpg
The Czech Air Force operates 14 Gripen C-series.
Baltic Air Policing 2019 - Czech Air Force
Quick turnaround, ready for next mission.

Protectors of the Czech Republic airspace

When Gripen entered service with the Czech Air Force in 2005, 它取代了旧的俄罗斯技术,捷克空军成为欧洲最现代化的空军之一.

Read more about Gripen in Czech Republic

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